Educational Enhancement

Addiction Counselor Training

Online CASAC Section 4


Addiction Counselor Ethics and Ethical Decision-Making

Master the Art of Ethical Decision-Making in Addiction Counseling! Dive deep into core ethics, navigate complex scenarios, and uphold the highest standards in client care. Elevate your practice with confidence and integrity.

Encourage. Educate. Empower.

Online CASAC Section 4

Addiction Counselor Ethics and Ethical Decision Making
(9 Clock Hours)

The importance of addiction counselor ethics. 

The CEOs at Inc. will tell you that integrity is one of the topmost essential skills in any working environment.

And when it comes to your role as an addictions professional, honesty and integrity will pave the way for building client trust and rapport.

OASAS and NAADAC go to great lengths to ensure that addiction counselor ethics govern all professional relationships.

Therefore, your knowledge of counselor ethics and ethical decision-making allows you to help create an honest and morally charged treatment culture.

Our online CASAC – addiction counselor Ethics and Ethical Decision-Making training:

  • Outlines basic ethical principles and theories,
  • Introduces a six-step guide to the ethical decision-making process
  • Presents OASAS, NAADAC, and other counseling professionals’ Codes of Ethics and Conduct

The training presents typical counselor ethical dilemmas, including:

  • Conflict of interest,
  • Dual relationships,
  • Patient Advocacy
  • HIPAA and confidentiality
  • Ethical use of EMR, EHR, and Social Media
  • And much more

With Educational Enhancement, addiction counselor education, and training isn’t complicated or stressful.

Learn addiction counselor ethics from the comfort of your own home or favorite cafe.

Study when the time is convenient for YOU.

Our online CASAC renewal training has re-credentialed counselors in New York, New Jersey, Georgia, and Florida.

This training is approved for CASAC Renewal and NAADAC Renewal.

We want to serve all of your addiction counselor credentialing and renewal needs.

Register today for our distance learning counselor ethics training, and become the change our communities need.


Who should take Counselor Ethics and Ethical Decison-Making 9-Hour training?


In short, if you work or plan to work in the addiction counseling field, our online Ethics and Ethical Decision-Making training are for you.

If you already work in the field, you know that every 3 years, you have to renew your addiction counselor ethics commitment by taking a training such as this one. 

Our training provides current CASACs,  other addictions professionals, and persons wishing to obtain their initial addictions counseling credential, a strong foundation in addiction counselor ethics and ethical decision-making.

In short, if you work or plan to work in the addictions field, this training is mandatory every 3 years.  So why wait? Get 9 renewal clock hours today and commit to upholding ethical drug counseling for substance use disorder.

You will receive 9 clock hours for taking our self-study, self-paced, addictions counselor online training.

Educational Enhancement’s  OASAS approved, online CASAC Section 4: Ethics and Ethical Decision-Making training fulfill the requirement for initial CASAC coursework in NYS.

If you are in another state, please check with your credentialing board before pursuing this training as a means to satisfy credentialing hours.

Are you ready to be the CHANGE  your community needs?


Fulfillment in any career starts with efficient education and training.

Every day,  alcohol and drug counselors become a beacon for change in their clients’ lives.

Educational Enhancement CASAC ONLINE is committed to providing you with the highest education and training standards for addiction counselors.

Since 2002 Educational enhancement has trained over 5000 CASACs in NYS.
Our program is approved by OASAS in NYS (provider #0415) and nationally by NAADAC (#244148)

Our online addiction counselor training program provides you with 500+ hours of knowledge, skills, and motivation to make a lasting impression on persons struggling in the throes of substance use disorder.

Once inside our education and training program, you’ll obtain the insight, skills, and interventions to foster recovery and bolster autonomy in your clients. 

Counselor and client build ethical client counselor relationship

Online CASAC Section 4

Counselor Ethics and Ethical Decision-Making

Self-study training learning outcomes:

• Knowledge of the use of critical thinking

• Understanding ethical counselor/client relationships

• Professional relationships and responsibilities

• Examination and review of counseling codes of ethics

• Examines clinical supervision and professional development as an ethical obligation

• Ethical use of technology including EHR, EMR, text messaging, Social Media, and E-mail

Overall I feel that the way the modules were set up made a lot of sense, especially with the way they built off of each other. The pacing was also pretty well done, I never felt overwhelmed and I did pretty well on the tests overall, even with the areas I struggled in.

Zachary Stamp

Graduate and CASAC Studies

Online CASAC Section 4

Counselor Ethics and Ethical Decision-Making

Ethics is key to enabling safe and effective care addiction counseling to individuals with substance use disorders.

As such, specific codes of ethics, as well as state and federal laws, have been developed to guide addiction professionals in their delivery of professional care to those seeking their services.

This course details guidelines regarding confidentiality and boundaries in the context of substance abuse counselors from several relevant resources for alcohol and drug counselors like you.

In this course, we will be reviewing the most essential and universal principles of addiction counseling ethics. We will also be highlighting how to effectively resolve ethical dilemmas that may arise while delivering care to individuals in need.


Course Curriculum

Module 1: Introduction: What it Means to be Ethical.

Module 2: Professions and Professionals

Module 3: The 4 Cornerstones of Health Care Ethics

Module 4: Canon of Ethical Principles

Module 5: Examples of Unethical Behavior

Module 6: Ethical Decision Making

Module 7: Professional Relationships and Professional Responsibilities

Module 8: Addiction Counseling Ethics and Technology

Module 9: Summary

Counselor resolves clients dillema using his knowledge of ethics and ethical decison-making


Make a commitment to instilling ethics and ethical decision-making in all your interactions.


Register and begin your Ethics and Ethical Decison-Making training now with Educational Enhancement CASAC Online.

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Students study together at Educational Enhancements Online CASAC Section 4: Ethics and Ethical Decision-Making, addiction counselor training course

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Addiction Counselor Course Offerings

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Online Addiction Counselor

Education and Training  Store



OASAC approved distance learning CASAC training provider.
NAADAC approved distance learning addiction counselor training provider.


Staten Island, NY, USA

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(347) 242-1770
(201) 701-3205

Get your CASAC online at Educational enhancement and become a certified addictions counselor to help teens struggling with addiction.

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Educational Enhancement is an OASAS-approved CASAC training provider (#0415) and NAADAC Approved (254148)



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