Get Your FREE eBook and Take Your Substance Use Counselor Career to the Next Level!

Don’t worry. After reading our FREE guide, you’ll understand your state’s substance use counselor credential renewal process.


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Keep your SUD Counseling Credential Current with our FREE Ebook about Drug Counselor Credential Renewal.

Image of an ebook covers shows a Substance use counselor using the guide to credential renewal in all 50 states online.
Are you ready to take your substance use counselor career to the next level? The world of addiction counseling is constantly evolving, and to stay ahead, you need to improve your knowledge and skills continuously. That’s where our FREE eBook comes in. It is the ultimate resource for addiction counselor professional development and credential renewal.

Whether you’re just starting in this field or have years of experience, this guide will provide valuable insights on how to excel in your career.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your expertise and take control of your professional growth.

The FREE Ebbok  to addiction counseling credential renewal will help you to understand better:

•.Professional Development or Continuing Education for Drug Counselors

• the process of Reciprocity, which is the mutual recognition of professional credentials between states or organizations, and a

•. An A-Z Guide to each States Drug Counselor Governing Board requirements to the re-credentialing process w/links.

What’s Included in Our Newsletter?

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Stay informed about addiction counseling credentialing changes, policies, or updates, reciprocity, and more.
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Stay up-to-date on current drug trends and new evidenced-based prevention strategies, harm reduction, and addiction counseling interventions.
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Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ #1: When can I begin my training?
You can begin the moment you receive your purchase confirmation. At the time of your purchase, you’ll create your log-in and personal password. You will receive your confirmation email within the hour after your purchase. Once you follow the link to your Educational Enhancement Dashboard, you can sign in and begin working towards your CASAC-T.
FAQ #4: When can I begin my training?
You can begin the moment you receive your purchase confirmation. At your purchase, you’ll create your log-in and personal password. You will receive your confirmation email within the hour after your purchase. Once you follow the link to your Educational Enhancement Dashboard, you can sign in and begin working towards your CASAC-T. Once you finish the addiction counseling training course you purchased, you’ll receive your certificate via email within 24 hours.
FAQ #5: Are these substance use counselor courses approved by NAADAC?
Yes, we have currently gone through NAADAC’s extensive certification process. Our drug and alcohol counselor education and training courses are no approved by NAADAC. Here is our NAADAC provider #254148
FAQ #6: Can I use these courses for CASAC Renewal Clock Hours?
Yes, of course, you can. You can complete the 60 renewal clock hours for renewal of your CASAC credential from the privacy of your own home, your favorite coffee shop, and even during downtime while you’re at work! CASAC renewal has never been so easy.

For example, if you take these 3 CASAC Trainings:

  • Counseling Special Populations / Cultural Competence;
  • Basic Knowledge
  • Ethical Decision-Making

You would not only gain and refresh your knowledge of the field, but you would also accumulate the 60 clock hours required for CASAC renewal.

To purchase courses for CASAC Renewal:

First, choose the online CASAC Renewal courses you wish to take.

Next, please fill out the online registration form, make your payment, and submit it.

Check your email, and within 1 hour or considerably less, you will receive an email from us via KAJABI (our hosting platform) to login into your new CASAC training.

You can then begin.

FAQ #7: How do I get started?
First, choose which Payment Tier is good for you. (See FAQ #6 for the Payment Tiers).

Next, please fill out the online registration form, make your payment, and submit it.

Check your email, and within 1 hour or considerably less, you will receive an email from us via KAJABI (our hosting platform) to login into your new CASAC training. You can then begin.

Click this link and get started today.

FAQ #8: Is Educational Enhancement approved by OASAS?
Educational Enhancement CASAC Online was founded in 2002. We offer self-study educational and training programs approved by NYS OASAS (Office of Addiction Supports and Services). Our OASAS provider number is #0415.

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Current OASAS & NAADAC Approved
Addiction Counselor Course Offerings

To see our other course listings head over to 

Educational Enhancements

Online Addiction Counselor

Education and Training  Store


OASAC approved distance learning CASAC training provider.
NAADAC approved distance learning addiction counselor training provider.

Get In Touch

If you have a question about CASAC online training or CASAC renewal online ask it here.
We will reply to you within 12 hours.

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